>Travel Pictures

The last days


We headed to the divided capital of Nicosia, which holds a considerable Arab population. We stayed in a small bed and breakfast downtown - from which we could see into Turkish Cyprus with the flags painted onto the mountains - and wandered the streets for two days. While we enjoyed the shops, handicrafts, and history, it seemed somewhat anticlimactic after the stunning seashore vacation we had enjoyed over the past few days.
Alea was simply intrigued by the legend of King Richard the Lion Heart and Berengeria (Returning from the Crusades, engaged, they were shipwrecked and separated on Cyprus. When he found her, the Cypriot prince holding her refused to give her up, so Richard's armies stormed and took the castle. He married her on the spot.) Every castle we went into was another opportunity for a series of "Is this the castle?" questions. As it turns out, this castle (in Limmasol) is not the one, but it looks a lot like the real one. Besides, people were hung over the side of this one as well, so that's worth noting.
Taking a lunch break in Limmosol, the kids had a blast hanging out along the seashore, watching the big container ships and getting all wet.
While wandering the streets, we were greeted by smiles everywhere we went. This trio was just hanging out in the sun and were very willing to have their pictures taken.
Our last day in Larnaca, we hooked up with an escorted tour through some of the traditional crafts shops (free, courtesy of the Cyprus tourism ministry). At the pottery stop, we saw them making money pots (like a piggy bank) and the kids were given tiny, freshly made animal figures (a mouse and a duck). Naturally we were so impressed, we returned later and bought a ton of pottery to bring back with us - so much, in fact that we also had to buy a new suitcase for the return trip!!

Cyprus front page
In the beginning - Ruins, Ruins - Paphos - The last days