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Hacienda San Lucas

Cool music!The hacienda was actually in the middle of a neat weekend: an open invite had been extended to all Hondurans artists, regardless of medium (painting, sculpture, literature, music, etc) for a get-together to fuel the creative juices. While we were enjoying 'quiet time' with family members, we also were the beneficiaries of some neat music from time to time. Alea was especially enamored of the Dutch girl who played harp!

Is this one an English or Western?Of course, the local favorites were still around. The white puppy that the kids had played with on the last visit was no longer such a puppy, and I'm not so sure that Alea and Breck believed that it was event he same dog! The sure got a kick out of playing with the parrot again, though!

What's this one called?
The scenery around the grounds was absolutely stunning, and so before a filling breakfast (at which Alea helped identify some of the more exotic fruits to Mark and Jennifer), we all took a few minutes to enjoy the beauty of the locale. To see some other pictures from around the grounds, visit Grandma's page here.

Brooms, flowers, and watering cans
Susan's 'artsy fartsy' shot of the homemade broom with the watering cans.

Old kitchen
The old kitchen, utilizing cooking techniques hundreds of years in the making.

Ye Olde Breadoven
An early-morning view of the bread oven, complete with woodpile and horse in the background.

Dog doing dishes
Here's that white dog doing his best to aid with keeping cleanliness standards intact...

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