>Travel Pictures


Life in Belgrade

Belgrade's an interesting place to live. Here's where we'll keep a record of some random pictures that don't fit so well on other pages. 

You can see winter scenes from around town here
We live on Puskinova. You can see some other pictures of our living area by clicking on the street sign.

On any given day, there are 1 or 2 stands set up, selling fruit, plants, egss, etc out of the trunk of someone's car. There are lots of other great ways to shop here.

and there's nothing quite like a Serbian pivo on the porch in the evening

or the view of the city from the Club Aleksander on Košutnjak

The skyline view entering across the Gazela bridge from the west (from the airport, Croatia, and Hungary)

Belgrade apartments from the air

Because the International School and a good number of foreign residences are in the area, there are usually policemen to be found all around. Of course, they can't get anywhere too fast in case of emergency!!

One of the more interesting government jobs is that of "Train Man." At railroad crossings, instead of an automated gate, men sit inside a guard shack all day long and wait for trains to come, and then go out to hand crank the railings up and down!

Restaurant is pronounced almost the same in Serbian - even though it is written a little different (the P is an R, the C is an S, and the H is an N)

Little burger and beer stands are everywhere around the city

as are reminders of the NATO bombing in the late 1990s...

When we head downtown, we drive down a major road flanked by chestnut trees. We glimpse the buildings in the distance before crossing the Novi Sad/Nis highway. Belgrade's public transportation consists of diesel buses, electric buses, and electric trains. Wires criss cross the main street, and it is not uncommon for a bus to 'jump the track' and stall in the middle of the road until the electric guide rods can be replaced on the wires.


Want to go shopping in Belgrade? Then come on, let's go...

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