>Travel Pictures


Bonn - 1987

What used to be known as West Germany was Dave's locale for high school in the late 1980's. Living in Europe was certainly a new way of life for a kid from Montana, one that awoke a burning interest in seeing more of the world
The Berlin Wall and Brandenburg Gate
While this wasn't in West Germany, the Brandenburg Gate remained a symbol of Deutschland, even when it was a divided country. This is a view from the Eastern sector (notice the Wall running behind the gate)

The capital city of Bonn was home, where I attended Bonn American High School- a now-defunct DoDDS institution. 
View from the Drachenfels over the Rhine
Bad Godesburg fussgangerzone
Gluhwein stand
Most of my pictures are stored out of the country, but these are fairly typische scenes: (left) the pedestrian zone for shopping, (center) the gluehwein stands that pop up around Christmas, (right) and of course the main train station that every city had.
The Wall
Berlin was still a divided city during this period, and the Wall was a constant reminder of the very real possibility of war that always hung over the continent.
Checkpoint Charlie
I remember how permanent the situation seemed at the time- there was new construction going up on the Russian side of Checkpoint Charlie.
East German guards marching
One of the opportunities the circumstances presented was the chance to see the Eastern sector, with the East German troops changing the guard at their tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Dave and the commie guard
And, being the kid that I was, I couldn't resist having my picture taken alongside a stone-faced soldier.

Germany main page