>Travel Pictures


Vrsac festival

When we got to the town, we were bombarded with an overwhelming assault on all our senses. The crowds were huge, the music was lively, the smells of roasting food (more about that later) was everywhere, and the drink flowed like, well, it flowed like you'd expect in a carnival dedicated to wine. 
The main town hall (and some of the street lights) was decorated with balloons arranged to look like grapes.
Everywhere you looked there was something to buy, from balloons to Serbia paraphanelia to hand made peasant shoes.
Did I mention there was wine? Here men unload a tractor full of grapes to sell to people for making their own vintage. You could also, of course, buy your own glassful or bottle!

Vrsac trip: Train ride - the festival - food - a pretty town - the parade

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