>Travel Pictures


Passing through

Hardly worth making a page about, I drove through the southernmost part of Croatia on my way to Bosnia during the Balkan Express trip. The most memorable thing happened in the no man's land between Montenegro and Croatia.

It was raining, I had left Montenegro and was driving about a mile up the road to the Croatian border, and I remember thinking "I wonder what would happen if somebody wrecked here? Which country would they be in?"

As I turned the corner, I saw a man (with a Croatian policeman) sitting on the side of the road with an icepack to his face. Right behind him was a beautiful balck BMW SUV on its side. He had obviously come flying down to road, skidded on the wet surface, and rolled his truck, wrecking it completely!

While I was prudent enough not to try to take a picture of the wreck, I did stop for a shot of the mist covered mountains.

I also took one from the scenic overview above Dubrovnik, but it was a gray day and I figured that we already had enough from our previous trip, and so just continued on towards the Bosnian border...
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