Make Your Own Web Page with Composer:
A Quick Reference Guide
HTML editor (free)
FTP program (free)
Web Server Space (free)
Also handy:
WinZip (free)
of Contents
the Basics
site picks up where this inservice lets off (not me, another Dave.
Sorry). This gets into the nuts and bolts of HTML programming for when
you decide that you've got more time to waste on your website than Composer
can possibly eat up. Highly recommended if you haven't got a life.
Pages that Suck: "Learn good design by looking at bad design." Another
valuable place in which to fritter the hours away...
Yale Style guide for webpages: the definitive catalog of 'how to' for
academic design
Getting Started:
Open Communicator
Select Communicator, Composer
Format, Page Colors and Properties,
set colors
Type your text
Insert images
Highlight, insert links
Save to a designated web page
Send it to the internet
Alignment and bullets
Align command found under "Format"
To indent, use the pictures
that look like sideways graphs w/arrows (under the H. Line button)
Bullets and numbering are found
under the "Target" button. These are very dicey to use and not easily manipulated
as, say, those in Word
Format, Page Colors and Properties
Adjust the text colors
Set the colors for the text
on your page
To adjust for special colors
or size or font on a case-by-case basis, close out of this view and use
exactly the same procedure as for regular word processed document
use only ‘normal’ fonts (e.g. Arial, Helvetica, Times, Comic Sans, Courier)
Select a background
The image will automatically
store in the same folder unless you check "save in original location"
Any image w/gif or jpg format
Give your page a name
Format, Page Colors and Properties,
Insert a horizontal line by
clicking on the H. Line button
Format by right clicking on
the line
Highlight text to be linked
Click "link"
Page on the internet: type in
COMPLETE address (including http://www…)
One of your other pages: Click
"Choose File," navigate to the desired page
Make sure the page is saved
(or it won't show up as one of your options)
The page must be located EXACTLY
in your folders as it will be on the internet
Click on image
Click "link"
Page on the internet: type in
COMPLETE address (including http://www…)
One of your other pages: Click
"Choose File," navigate to the desired page
Make sure the page is saved
(or it won't show up as one of your options)
The page must be located EXACTLY
in your folders as it will be on the internet
IMPORTANT: After you've made
the link, go back to the image's properties and make sure to change the
"solid border" number to 0 (if not, you'll get an annoying box around the
picture like this:
Can be via an image or text
Make a link, type in the address
(where, obviously, you substitute your email for "" Don't
use any spaces, punctuation, etc.
Remember, though, that kids
won't be able to email you from school
Tab key
Only used to maneuver around
within or add a row to a table
No formatting is 'preserved;'
use the indent buttons
Personal Choice: all my pages
are contained within a table across 80% of the window
VERY HELPFUL!! Used to organize,
place text in columns, etc.
Can be colored using Format,
Table Properties commands
Links to specific places within
a webpage
Example: The table of contents
at the top of this page is linked to "targets" that I placed in front of
each subject heading
Word Documents
Can be easily saved into webpages
File, Save As HTML command
Use Composer to format after