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Sights around town

The entire skyline is dominated by the Salzburg Castle (Festung Hohensalzburg)

Clocktower in the old town

Walking along the Salzach River

A carriage passes the horse watering stop that has been in use since Roman times

Trams run constantly, and their electrical wires criss cross the skies

It sits atop the Mönchsberg, a ring of rock that surrounds 2 sides of the city

On the other side of the old town, there are buildings from the 1400s built right up against the cliffs.

and fishing in the Salzach River!

Salzburg is also a university city - and it seemed like one with the colorful leaves and picturesque setting.

Bikes parked while students are in classes

While others use a more traditional method of getting around.

Salzburg: What a beautiful city! - Sights around town - Art, Architecture, and Amusement - Christmas Market

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