Roots reading questions

(excerpts from pages 127 - 169, chapters 33 - 41)

Define the following:

  1. Allah
  2. Foto
  3. Shackles
  4. Slatee
  5. Toubab
  6. Toubab fa


  1. What happened to the slatee put in the hold with the slaves?
  2. How long had Kunta been in the hold before he first came on deck?
  3. Name 3 other tribes besides Kunta's from which the captives came.
  4. What happened to the girl that jumped overboard?
  5. What happened to the ship that injured and killed many of the slaves?
  6. What was the bloody contagion that spread through the slaves?
  7. What was Kunta afraid the white men were going to do to him?
  8. Where is Kunta at the end of this reading section?


Who is the ‘worse’ human being: someone who feels no remorse about the evil he does (such as the slave trader who simply considered the Africans to be cargo) OR someone who knows in his conscience that what he is doing was wrong but continues to do it anyway (such as the captain in the movie)? Defend your answer vigorously.