1. What stage are most
of the countries you investigated in?
2. Is there any difference between
continents? Explain.
3. What factors and reasons contribute
to countries being in-
a) Stage 1
b) Stage 2
c) Stage 3
4. How can you tell from a population
pyramid whether a population is increasing or decreasing? What assumptions
are you making?
5. What generally leads to countries'
transition from Stage 1 to Stage 2? What is the typical effect of this
6. What accounts for much of the
population growth in Stage 3 countries?
7. As a whole, what stage would
you describe the entire world's population to be in?
Now, answer 2 of the following (as they relate to your answer to
a) Offer 3 supporting pieces
of evidence
b) Describe 3 advantages of the
world being in this stage
c) Describe 3 disadvantages of
the world being in this stage
d) Describe 3 proposals to move
to the most advantageous stage (if it is not, in your opinion, already