Why was population relatively
stable for most of human history? When did that begin to change? Why?
What was the estimated population
of the world at the beginning of the Age of Agriculture? How does that
compare to your city, state and nation today?
How did population change contribute
both to the rise and to the fall of cultures?
Name three early scientific
or technological advances that stimulated economic and food production.
Explain the correlation of population
growth and the age of European exploration and colonization.
Identify three factors leading
to rapid population growth in the last 200 years.
Imagine and discuss how your
life would be different without the listed medical advances. How many of
the people in your life might not be alive without those advances?
What are some of the ways population
growth affected the United States in the past? What are some of the ways
population growth affects the United States today?
By how many people is world
population increasing each year? How long is this projected to continue?
Why? Where is most of this growth projected to occur?
Assignment Details
The QUESTIONS are exactly that: questions.
To answer them, you'll need to do the reading, but very little outside
research is required. Please have them typed up, printed out, and ready
to turn in by the due date