MYP Math Grading Criteria

Criterion A: Knowledge and Understanding

Students are expected to have a knowledge and understanding of the concepts and skills of MYP mathematics as shown in the prescribed framework.

This criterion includes:

  • using knowledge and understanding to make deductions
  • using numeric, algebraic, geometric, graphical, and other forms of representation
  • moving between different forms of representation
  • using appropriate technology
Level of Achievement Descriptor
0 The student fails to reach any standard given below.
1-2 The student can demonstrate minimal understanding of concepts and tries to use more than one approach to represent ideas but with little success.
3-4 The student shows partial knowledge and understanding of concepts and is able to use more then one form of representation.
5-6 The student demonstrates adequate knowledge and understanding.
7-8 The student shows broad knowledge and good understanding of subject.  Can make logical conclusions.  Uses different forms of representation/explanation in most cases.
9-10 The student shows strong understanding and comprehension of subject. Can adapt to unfamiliar situations.


  1. Assessment tasks for this criterion are likely to be class tests and/or examinations.
  2. Assessment tasks should provide students with problems set in a variety of contexts.

Criterion B: Application and Reasoning

Students are expected to apply concepts and skills through reasoning, and develop problem-solving strategies.

This criterion includes:

  • selecting and using appropriate mathematical knowledge and skills
  • recognizing patterns and structures and describing them as relationships or general rules
  • drawing conclusions consistent with findings
  • justifying mathematical relationships
  • developing flexible strategies, including the use of the appropriate technology
Level of Achievement Descriptor

0 The student fails to reach any standard given below.
1-2 The student uses limited mathematical knowledge and recognizes simple patterns when investigating problems.  The student applies basic problem-solving skills to work on a task.
3-4 The student recognizes patterns and suggests general rules or relationships. The student applies problem-solving skills with some success.
5-6 The student recognizes patterns and structures and is able to describe them as general rules or relationships upon which he/she draws conclusions.
7-8 The student recognizes patterns and structures, is able to establish relationships and general rules with more difficult problems. The student draws conclusions consistent with findings.  The student successfully chooses and uses problem-solving skills.
9-10 The student is able to provide clear justification or proofs for his/her work.  The student selects and uses advanced problem-solving skills including the use of technology if appropriate.


  1. Tasks should allow students to demonstrate their ability to apply and reason using concepts learnt.
  2. Assessment tasks for criterion B are reasoned pieces of work, including open ended investigations.
  3. Little credit should be given for knowledge that is already assessed using criterion A.

Criterion C: Communication

Students are expected to communicate facts, ideas, methods, results and conclusions using appropriate symbols and the language of mathematics.

This criterion includes:

  • encoding and decoding
  • describing in words a line of reasoning
  • explaining solutions
  • presenting mathematical information clearly and logically
  • using appropriate technology for effective communication
Level of Achievement Descriptor
0 The student fails to reach any standard given below.
1-2 The student uses basic mathematical symbols and language. The student presents some mathematical information clearly, and tries to describe in words problems that are set in familiar contexts. 
3-4 The student uses and recognizes a range of mathematical symbols and language.  The lines of reasoning and solutions to problems are explained. Mathematical information is presented clearly and logically.
5-6 The student recognizes and uses a wide range of mathematical symbols and language.  The student gives clear explanations to problems.  The student chooses and uses the most appropriate technology to present mathematical information logically and clearly.


  1. Assessment tasks should allow students to communicate effectively when using concepts and skills of the appropriate level of MYP mathematics. 
  2. Assessment tasks for criteria A, B and D can also be used for this criterion.  

Criterion D: Reflection and Evaluation

Students are expected to think about the way they solve problems and the meaning of others’ solutions.  It is expected that students will consider other ways of solving problems where relevant. 

This criterion includes: 

  • thinking about and evaluating different ways of investigating problems 
  • considering the use of technology where appropriate
Level of Achievement Descriptor
0 The student fails to reach any standard given below.
1-2 The student tries to explain the method used and to evaluate how accurate the answers are.
3-4 The student explains how to solve the problem. The student evaluates the reliability of findings with some success.
5-6 The student gives a thought-out reasoning for how to solve the problem, and evaluates the significance of findings and what they mean. The student suggests other ways to solve the problem, where relevant.
7-8 The student gives a thought-out reasoning for how to solve the problem, and where relevant, considers fully other ways to solve the problem, including the use of technology. The student makes a thorough evaluation of the significance of findings, what they mean, and their accuracy.


  1. Assessment tasks are likely to be reports on investigations undertaken using concepts and skills of the appropriate level of MYP mathematics. 
  2. Assessment tasks should give students clear instructions to reflect and evaluate. 
  3. Assessment tasks should focus on the individual's ability to reflect and evaluate.