Articles of Confederation Reading Q's

Part 1 - Experimenting with Confederation

  1. Define Republic
  2. Who was not allowed to vote in any state?
  3. What were the 3 issues the Continental Congress faced and how was each resolved?
issues facing the Continental Congress How they were resolved in the Articles of Confederation
  1. What was the Land Ordinance of 1787? Describe its terms. 
  2. 4 major problems of the Articles of Confederation.

Part 2 - Drafting the Constitution

  1. What was Shay's Rebellion (you may need to look in the book for more info)
  2. Describe the Virginia plan for Congress
  3. Describe the New Jersey plan for Congress
  4. What did the delegates decide to do about slavery?
  5. What 3 branches did the delegates divide the federal government into?

Part 3 - Ratifying the Consitution

  1. People who were in support of the Constitution were called:
  2. People who were not in support of the Constitution were called: