Making  a Law


  1. Introduce the bill
  2. Refer bill to a committee
  3. Committee discusses, maybe changes
  4. Bill read and debated by all - changes, additions, and deletions made. Majority vote to pass
  5. (process repeated in other House)
  6. Bill sent to President, signs or vetos
  7. (if needed - 2/3rds majority of both houses to override veto)


  • 1 Bill
  • 1 President
  • 10 Representatives (1 bill sponsor)
  • 5 Senators
  • 1 Republican Leader
  • 1 Democrat Leader
  • 10 Committee Members (2 committees, 5 members each)
  • 1 Supreme Court Justice


  • President: You want a final bill that includes a red sparkly wig and no more than 1 shoe
  • Bill sponsor: You propose that the bill be passed with at least 2 sparkly outfits and no shoes
  • Democrat leader: You want the bill to include a wig, 2 scarves, at least 1 sparkly outfit, and 2 shoes
  • Republican leader: You want the bill to include no sparkles and 2 shoes
  • Democrats: you want the bill to have a lot of clothes
  • Republicans: you want the bill to have only a few clothes
  • Senator: You want the bill to carry around the globe
  • Supreme Court: You rule that wearing only 1 shoe is unconstitutional