the Jeremiah Springer Show:

Springer does Salem

Assignment: Students will take part in a talk show, either as guests or members of the studio audience. 

  • Students play the roles of guests on a talk show. 
  • Audience members will also be on a  "side" - they need to remain faithful to that ideal!
  • Every audience member will be expected to participate--either with questions or applause, feedback, etc.


  1. Jeremiah Springer
  2. Young woman accused of witchcraft
  3. Accuser of the witch
  4. Judge at the Salem Witchcraft Trials
  5. Slave
  6. Woman who was banished
  7. Puritan Minister


  • Teacher will signal "commercial breaks" when necessary to speak with guests and/or host.
  • Closure Assignment: Write about places in today's society where people of one culture are judged unfairly by people of another culture
  • Guests and Host: write about how it felt to be in the position you were in during the talk show 

Role Descriptions

Jeremiah Springer

You are the talk show host. Your own personal belief is that everyone should follow strict Bible laws, and people that don't are morally corrupt.  It is your responsibility to make sure that all of your guests have the opportunity to share their beliefs. You need to go to the audience to acknowledge their input and questions for the panel, but make sure everyone knows your personal opinion about the situation. You need to keep things moving along and "together."

Young woman accused of witchcraft

You have been raised in a Puritan house. You were accused of witchcraft by the mother of your fiancee. You are frightened of going to Hell, but you have not practiced witchcraft so you will not confess. You consider yourself to be religious and hope that God will have mercy on your soul.

Woman who accuses another of being a witch

You are a devout Puritan worshipper, but ever since your new neighbor lady moved in, you have had eerie  feelings. Sometimes you think you hear whispers, other times you see strange shapes. Obviously she has cast some sort of evil spell on you - the sooner she is convicted, the sooner God's good graces can return to your family.

Judge at the Salem Witchcraft Trials

You know that you are doing God's work by purging the communities of those horrible witches that go against God. You have faith that God will guide you to make the right decisions regarding the guilt and innocence of those that come before you in court. You have sentenced eight women to death and have presided over their hangings. Although you are not happy to kill people, you are thankful that their harmful influence has been purged from the community.


You belong to a Puritan family. Through their guidance you have become a Christian. Your master tends to beat you if you do not perform up to his high standards. You have not seen your family for several years. although you know that the minister preaches that God wants you to be a slave, you still have a difficult time finding happiness with your situation, although you want to go to Heaven, you are afraid that God in his cruelty will not allow you that since you are unworthy.

Ex-Puritan Woman

You believe you are a devout Puritan. You live your life to serve God's will. However, you have been forced out of your New England home because you have some questions about the lack of compassion and the strict practice of the Puritans, especially where the children are concerned. You think that the Bible intends for families to practice love rather than punishment. You want to stay in the New England area, and have dreams of beginning a new community with your husband, family, and friends.

Puritan Minister

You are a minister of a small Puritan church in New England. You have a wife and a young child. You are concerned about the corruption of your congregation, and strive to save the members from the fiery pit of Hell. You love your community and your family, and you are not tolerant of those who could be bad influences. You are a follower of Governor John Winthrop and you believe also that your Puritan community should be a true "City upon a hill."

Puritan audience members

You are hard core believers. Anyone who disagrees with your leaders, your teachings, or your interpretations of the Bible are going to burn in Hell, no question about it.

Non-Puritan audience members

You strongly feel that people are being accused and convicted of witchcraft for no good reason whatsoever. You want the witch trials to stop and all people to just live in peace and friendship. Besides, what a crazy bunch of religious fanatics!

Slaves in audience

You believe in God and the Bible and all that, but you are a little upset that all this "Love thy neighbor" talk doesn't apply to you. You want to make sure that the other guests understand that your situation is worse than a little witchcraft could be.