Murder in Mississippi movie guide
The film is based on a true story that happened
in the summer of 1964. That summer was called Freedom Summer because
of a program to help register Blacks in Mississippi to vote. Over 1000
young white college students came down from northern colleges to help in
the effort. The story takes place in Neshoba county and the larger city
of Meridian, Mississippi.
James Chaney
- a 21 year old activist from rural Mississippi
Mickey Schwerner
- a 24 year old activist from Brooklyn, New York
Rita Schwerner
- Mickey's wife
Andrew Goodman - 20 year old college
student from Queens College New York
At times Mickey and James disagreed over what
tactics to use. How were their ideas different?
List several examples of these differences.
What was the reaction of most of the Blacks
when they were asked by the civil rights workers if they wanted to register
to vote and have freedom schools in their churches?
How had places like Meridian successfully
kept African Americans from voting even though the Constitution gave then
this right?
Why were Freedom Schools necessary for the
movement to be a success?
How were the Freedom Summer volunteers prepared?
What happened to the murderers of Mickey,
James, and Andrew?
What did Congress do in 1965 to ensure that
African Americans were given the right to vote?
The fight for civil rights was intense during
the 1950's and 1960's. Can you think of any other movements since then
that have used the tactics and the ideas of the Civil Rights movement?