Religion Quiz


Question #1:

Which of the religions we studied are you most familiar with (usually this will be the one that you were raised in)? Describe fully the following aspects of this religion:
  • The history of its founding (including information about what older traditions it incorporates)
  • Its perspective on God/s and his/her/its/their influence on the world
  • A summary of the 3 most important holidays and their significance
  • What part(s) of the world are predominated by the religion and an estimate of the number or percentage of world population that follows the religion

Question #2:

If you HAD to change religions (a voice from the sky commanded you to do so), which of the religions we studied would you choose? Explain fully your reasons for doing so. As you explain, be sure to include information on the following:
  • The history of its founding (including information about what older traditions it incorporates)
  • Its perspective on God/s and his/her/its/their influence on the world
  • Information about its holy book and the information contained in it
  • Personal reaction to the philosophies and teachings