Greece Mini-quiz

Write the correct letter for each definition on the line following the word

1. Anlos ______ a) Child
2. Auer ______ b) Double flute
3. Epheboi  ______ c) Elder
4. Geron  ______ d) Harp
5. Hetairai  ______ e) Leisure
6. Kalakagathos ______ f) Man
7. Lyre ______ g) Math
8. Palaestra  ______ h) One who combines beauty and justice in a lifestyle that values fame, wealth, ability, and virtue
9. Pedagogues ______ i) Trainer
10. Pedotribe ______ j) Trusted slaves who watched over boys’ education
11. Pois  ______ k) Well-known mistresses
12. Reckoning ______ l) Wrestling school
13. Schole  ______ m) Youth

Put the following “steps” in a boy’s education in order. Number from 1 to 5

______Engaged in physical programs to prepare them for war and had professional instructors lecture them
______Learned the duties of citizenship and war, taking prominent roles in the festivals and processionals
______Private schoolmasters teach reading, writing, reckoning, and music
______Took the Epheboi oath
______Trainers taught the boys how to wrestle, swim, and use the bow and arrow