Greek Limericks

Mr. Stutz's example:

Demeter had a sweet little daughter
One day, Hades came up and caught her
Young Persephone
Looked so lovely to he
That to the underworld he brought her

Demeter became really moody
And she stopped doing her duty
Trees and plants froze and died
The hungry kids cried
And the whole world lost all of its beauty

God Zeus said to Hermes, “Go get her
And fix up this lousy weather.”
He went down below
Hades said she could go
Only if she’d not eaten her dinner

But Persephone’d had a great thirst
Six pomegranates she had drunk first
So six months per year
She comes back up here
All the rest, the climate's much worse

Extra credit limericks:

There once was a Greek god named Hades
Who was not too good with the ladies
He lived underground
Without making a sound
He came, stole a wife, and made babies
By Nick B.

Zeus, at Olympian height
Casting his eyes around so bright
A weird sound in the dark
Makes Hera wanna bark
When Zeus is caught doing something unright
by Misa P.

Good Midas was a king who was old
He wanted to to turn things to gold
His food became hard
He knew he'd be starved
So Midas had his power sold
by Ben P.