of Course
Freshmen Social Science
Seminar: People and the Environment
Dave Stutz
e-mail: dstutz@kusd.kusd.edu
or click here
Class webpage: http://stutzfamily.com/mrstutz/
People and the Environment
is a yearlong freshman social science seminar designed as an overview of
contemporary themes in the social sciences. Much of the early focus will
be on developing social science skills and exploring ancient history; later
units will center on present-day topics of global concern. Subject matter
covered will include:
development of personal and
social identity
the role of social scientists
in researching humankind’s past
human origins and migrations
culture and myth
meso-American, eastern, and
Mediterranean civilizations (rotated yearly)
population and population-related
natural resources, pollution,
and human-created disasters
war, intolerance, and genocide
in the 20th century
additional subjects of current
and future concern
All topics will be addressed
in an interdisciplinary style, thematically integrated with activities
in English, science, and math courses, and set in the context of examining
world history and environmental concerns.
Semester 1: You Are Here
A. Why are you here?
Personal identities
School identities
Group identities
Cultural identities
National identities
B. How do we know?
Social scientists and the
Methods of obtaining information
Examples of significant finds
C. Where are we from?
Human origins
People and migrations
Culture and myth
Creation Mythology
Greek, Egyptian and/or Native
American Mythology
Ancient empires
Near East
Middle America
Semester 2: Forks in the Road
A. Population and disease
Energy, food, and resource
Human/animal origins of disease
Social and historical effects
of diseases
Bubonic Plague (Europe)
Smallpox (Americas)
B. Natural Resources
Environmental holocausts
Bio-destruction and pollution
C. Human Rights, prejudice,
and intolerance
Civil Rights in the USA
The Holocaust and present
day genocide
Vietnam and the 60’s
D. Which path to follow?
End of unit discussion topics:
Current events and technological
Future alternatives
Text - Perry, M. (1985).
A History of the World
Assignment Notebook
A three ring binder, loose-leaf
paper, and pen/pencil daily
5 floppy discs (PC formatted)
and a plastic disc protector
Additional resources and
readings as supplied in class
Information about homework and other assignments
Grades in the class are
not weighted. That means that points are worth the same, whether on a test,
quiz, homework, or in-class assignment.
As a general rule:
In-class assignment = 5-10
Reading/Question set = 10-20
Test/Quiz = 25-50 points
Presentation/PowerPoint =
25-50 points
It is very important that
all assignments are completed, as those points do add up. No student that
has turned in all assignments has ever failed. This is not because
of a mercy policy; it is because just doing all the work puts you into
the best possible situation to do well.
Extra credit is generally
not given out, although some (unannounced) assignments may be graded as
extra credit. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all work
is turned in- it is of great benefit to your grade to do so!
up procedures and extra help opportunities
*Mr. Stutz is always
in the school until at least 4PM. This is the single best time to meet
with him and get extra help. Make arrangements and stick around for a bit
- during the school day it is virtually impossible to meet for extra help*
Make up work can be completed
in accordance with the House of Biotechnology/Environmental Studies policy:
Students who miss class will
have 1 day per absence to turn work in ‘on time.’ Thereafter, the assignment
will be ‘late.’
Late assignments will only
be accepted within three days of the ‘on time’ due date upon receipt of
a parent/guardian phone call granting permission to accept said assignment.
Such assignments will receive a maximum grade of 82%.
If the work is graded on
the basis of being completed during a class period, no late work will be
It is the student's responsibility
to approach Mr. Stutz to determine what work is missing and make arrangements
to redo such assignments.
Per Kenosha Unified School
District policy, the grading scale is as follows:
99% and above- A+
95 - 98% - A
93 -94% - A-
91 - 92% - B+
87 - 90% - B
85 - 86% - B-
83 - 84% - C+
79 - 82%- C
77 - 78% - C-
75 - 76% - D+
72 - 74% - D
70 - 71% - D-
Below 70% -F
Procedures and Rules
Students at the start
of the year set class-specific rules. There are 4 general rules Mr. Stutz
expects to be followed:
Arrive in class on time with
paper, binder, writing utensil, and any previously designated materials
Students are to remain in
their seats until Mr. Stutz has dismissed the class
Swearing and derogatory remarks
have no place in the classroom and will not be tolerated
Accord those who are speaking
(including teachers and students) the respect, courtesy, and quiet they
course standards
and benchmarks |