Abandonment of entire town
An estimated 240,000 dead
Birth defects from buried chemicals
Chemical dumping
Children playing in bubbling chemicals
Climactic changes
Contaminated food/soil throughout Europe
Destruction of 2 cities
Destruction of tropical island habitat
Deviation from standard shipping lanes
Diversion of water for agriculture
Drunk captain
End of major nuclear energy programs in
the US
Estimated 300,000+ deaths in the next 20
Faulty reactor design
Fertile topsoil blown away
Fishing industry collapse
Fishing industry collapse
Flash burns and/or vaporization of victims
Forced migration of local population by
US govt
Great diving due to wrecked ships
Houses built on top of waste site
Increased desertification
Increased incidence of radiation-related
birth defects
Increased incidence of radiation-related
birth defects
Introduction of contour/terraced farming
Lack of available emergency cleanup crews
Loss of 70% of water volume
Migration of farmers to CA
Millions of dollars for retraining programs
More than $3 billion in fines and costs
Nuclear bomb testing
Pesticides contaminated the water
Planting wheat/corn into native grass soils
Poor agricultural practices
Poorly-trained technicians
Pressure to avoid costly invasion
Protests against Hooker and the government
Release of radioactive steam
Reluctance of Japanese to surrender
Thousands of volunteers scrubbed rocks
Unauthorized test of reactor 4
Valve got stuck open
Water feeding into reactor turned off
World War 2
Years of drought