
Time Life's "Lost Civilizations":

"Egypt: Quest for Immortality"

1. Ancient Egyptian civilization lasted more than __________ years.
A) 2 million. 
B) 1 million. 
C) 3,500. 
D) 350. 
 2. Which king's mummy lay undisturbed into the modern day?
A) Elvis'. 
B) Tutankhamen's. 
C) Ramesses the Great's. 
D) The Scorpion King's. 
3. In 1922, King Tutankhamen's tomb was discovered in __________.
A) The Valley of the Kings. 
B) The Valley of Death. 
C) Mission Valley. 
D) Cairo. 
4. Which of the following was not found in King Tutankhamen's tomb?
A) Toys. 
B) Food. 
C) Clay models of servants to wait on him in death. 
D) Stone models of pyramids for supernatural power. 
5. How old was King Tutankhamen when he died?
A) 8-9. 
B) 18-19. 
C) 48-49. 
D) 89-90. 
6. A small knife made out of __________ was found wrapped over King Tutankhamen's heart.
A) Gold. 
B) Silver. 
C) Platinum. 
D) Steel. 
7. King Tutankhamen's innermost coffin was made of solid __________.
A) Gold. 
B) Silver. 
C) Platinum. 
D) Steel. 
8. Where did the ancient Egyptians hope to be buried?
A) In Cairo. 
B) Under the Great Sphinx. 
C) On the western side of the Nile. 
D) In the Nile. 
9. Who is the falcon-god who brings power to the pharaohs?
A) Amun. 
B) Horus. 
C) Aten. 
D) Falcon-Boy. 
10. Ramesses the Great (Ramesses II) was the greatest __________ in Egypt's history.
A) Builder. 
B) Judge. 
C) Food producer. 
D) Holy man. 
11. Ramesses the Great (Ramesses II) fathered more than __________ children.
A) 8. 
B) 23. 
C) 49. 
D) 90. 
12. In 1798, who brought his army, as well as scientists and artists, to Egypt?
A) George Washington. 
B) Alexander the Great. 
C) King Narmer. 
D) Napoleon. 
13. What artifact, discovered by French troops, is considered one of the most significant archaeological finds of all time?
A) The Lost Ark. 
B) The Great Sphinx. 
C) The Rosetta Stone. 
D) The Rolling Stones. 
14. The Rosetta Stone, which contained the same inscription in __________ and hieroglyphic, allowed for the translation of ancient Egyptian writings.
A) Greek. 
B) French. 
C) English. 
D) Pig-Latin. 
15. The Pyramids at Giza, which were later gutted and robbed, were built as __________.
A) Temples. 
B) Lighthouses for ships on the Nile. 
C) Tombs. 
D) Palaces for the living pharaoh. 
16. What was the very first stone building in all the world?
A) The Step Pyramid of King Djoser (Zoser). 
B) The Great Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops). 
C) The Great Wall of China. 
D) The Colosseum in Rome. 
17. In the Step Pyramid of King Djoser (Zoser), the king's burial chamber is located __________.
A) Inside the pyramid itself. 
B) In the Valley of the Kings. 
C) Below the pyramid. 
D) On top of the pyramid. 
18. __________ most likely raised the pyramids' stones into place.
A) Horse-drawn chariots. 
B) The Egyptians' outer space ancestors. 
C) Carts pulled by bulls. 
D) Ramps. 
19. Some of the pyramids' tomb robbers included members of the king's own priesthood, as well as __________.
A) The builders of the tombs themselves. 
B) The king's wives. 
C) Cave dwellers from Lascaux. 
D) Disgruntled stepchildren. 
20. In 1992, thieves stole a giant stone head of __________ from a secluded temple.
A) Tutankhamen. 
B) Narmer. 
C) Ramesses the Great. 
D) Buddha. 
21. In Medieval times, ground up __________ were considered a powerful medicine and aphrodisiac.
A) Beef. 
B) Mummies. 
C) Cats. 
D) Scarab beetles. 
22. Although dazzling treasures and tombs survive, the things that really remind us of ancient Egypt's humanity are the __________.
A) Gold statues. 
B) Pyramids. 
C) Temples. 
D) Mummies.