Human Genome Project
•genetic counselingBrain Development, 0-3 Years and Beyond•cloning and gene therapy
•treatment for health and mental health problems
•prenatal experience is important, tooNature AND Nurture•brain development continues after age 3
•the aging brain
•an either/or perspective is outdated and overly simplisticInteraction among Domains and Levels
•Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological theory:Importance of a Cross-cultural Perspectivechild ) microsystem ) mesosystem ) exosystem ) macrosystem ) chronosystem
•parenting and child care practices (e.g., sleeping arrangements, toilet training)A Lifespan Perspective is Valuable•conceptualizing the transition from adolescence to adulthood
•gender roles
•treatment of and beliefs about older adults
•Development is ongoing, involving both growth and decline, change and stabilityInfluence of Societal and Historical Context
•workforce participation of mothers of young childrenResearch Methods are Important•economic hardship (e.g., the Great Depression vs. Farm Crisis, Elder’s studies)
•changing notions about adult development (e.g., the possibility of retirement)
•demographic characteristics (e.g., the greying of America -- and other countries)
•consider the demands of the task (e.g., Piaget’s studies)Theories•cross-sectional vs. longitudinal studies (e.g., intelligence & aging)
•sampling (e.g., study healthy brains to understand changes due to normal aging)
•the "grand" theories of the past have been replaced, in many areas, by problem-specific mini-theories (e.g., Piaget’s theory vs. models for the development of memory)•the field is still responding to the classic theories of Piaget, Erikson, Bowlby/Ainsworth, Kohlberg
•psychologists are "scientific problem solvers"
2. Culture influences every aspect of human development and is reflected in childrearing beliefs and practices designed to promote healthy adaptation.
3. The growth of self-regulation is a cornerstone of early childhood development that cuts across all domains of behavior.
4. Children are active participants in their own development, reflecting the intrinsic human drive to explore and master one’s environment.
5. Human relationships, and the effects of relationships on relationships, are the building blocks of healthy development.
6. The broad range of individual differences among young children often makes it difficult to distinguish normal variations and maturational delays from transient disorders and persistent impairments.
7. The development of children unfolds along individual pathways whose trajectories are characterized by continuities and discontinuities, as well as by a series of significant transitions.
8. Human development is shaped by the ongoing interplay among sources of vulnerability and sources of resilience.
9. The timing of early experiences can matter, but, more often than not, the developing child remains vulnerable to risks and open to protective influences throughout the early years of life and into adulthood.
10. The course of development can be altered
in early childhood by effective interventions that change the balance between
risk and protection, thereby shifting the odds in favor of more adaptive
Prenatal Period
•newborns show a preference for the language that was spoken by their motherInfancy and Toddlerhood•newborns recognize stories read by their mother before they were born
•"prewired" abilities include categorical perception for sounds of human speech and the capacity to learn to perceive the functionally important phonemes of any human language ("un-development" actually occurs during the first year of life)Childhood•communication begins at birth; infants are able to use gestures/signs before words
•biases and constraints exist that aid in word learning (e.g., whole-object assumption)
•there are predictable stages of production and comprehension
•parents do not teach children their first language
•language development requires human interaction and an adequate model
•babies of teen mothers and depressed mothers receive less language input and are slower to develop language
•babies who overhear an adequate amount of language spoken by others develop language normally, even if the speech is not directed to them (e.g., Kaluli practices/beliefs)
•in some extraordinary cases, children have developed language "on their own" (e.g., Nicaraguan Sign Language)
•language (esp. speech from the parents and other caregivers) is an early foundation for the child’s developing self-concept
•parents influence which language is learned, as well as vocabulary, dialect, and accentAdolescence•language is a tool for thinking (e.g., conversations about past experiences seem to help preserve those experiences in memory)
•shared book reading is an important foundation for emergent literacy; family resources and parental education are strong predictors of shared book reading, which is a strong predictor of school readiness and achievement
•language is a tool for socialization (e.g., parents shape how and when children use language to express themselves)
•language marks peer group membership, beginning in elementary school years and intensifying during adolescenceAdulthood
•gender differences have been documented in the use of language for self-expression and for instrumental purposes*From Neurons to Neighborhoods (2000)•the words adults use to describe their life stories shed light on significant personality variables and issues of adult development (e.g., generativity; contamination vs. redemption)
•linguistic ability in early adulthood is associated with cognitive function and Alzheimer’s disease in late adulthood (the Nun Study -- Snowdon et al., 1996)
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