Max Wertheimer |
(1) proximity - elements tend to be grouped together according to their nearnessThese factors were called the laws of organization and were explained in the context of perception and problem solving.
(2) similarity - items similar in some respect tend to be grouped together
(3) closure - items are grouped together if they tend to complete some entity, and
(4) simplicity - items will be organized into simple figures according to symmetry, regularity, and smoothness.
Example: The classic example of Gestalt principles provided by Wertheimer are children finding the area of parallelograms. As long as the parallelograms are regular figures, a standard procedure can be applied (making lines perpendicular from the corners of the base). However, if a parallelogram with a novel shape or orientation is provided, the standard procedure will not work and children are forced to solve the problem by understanding the true structure of a parallelogram (i.e., the figure can be bisected anywhere if the ends are joined).
Gestalt therapy focuses more on process (what is happening) than content (what is being discussed). The emphasis is on what is being done, thought and felt at the moment rather than on what was, might be, could be, or should be.