Terms you will be asked about in matching, multiple choice, and short answer
format. You must be able to define, explain, and outline the effects of
each of the following:
A vast wasteland
Baby boom
Beat movement
Beat movement and rock ‘n’ roll
Dr. Benjamin Spock
Dr. Jonas Salk
Fair Deal
Federal government offered help in obtaining
an education, a home, and a job or business
Film of the 1950’s
Main trend in the housing industry
Planned obsolescence
Radio in the 1950’s
Rock ‘n’ roll
Size of the baby-boom generation
Television in the 1950’s
Termination Policy
Typical suburban male
Urban Renewal
Vaccine against Polio
Essays you will have to write:
The economy boomed during the 1950s. Please
explain, using concrete facts and information, at least one source of this
increased activity.
The suburbs boomed during the 1950s. Please
explain, using concrete facts and information, at least one result to the
central cities of this move and how it still affects them today.