Poppa and Momma Wagner
(Burnsville, MN)
We'll skip the news and just show pictures
of them reading with their grandkiddies!
Stella Stutz
(Geneva, Switzerland)
After the ultimate family-seeing trip around
the states, Stella's back from Hawaii and should be getting settled into
her new posting in the Alps.
Joe and Lorna Stutz
(Billings, MT)
An empty house and a brand-new car are the
hallmarks of the Montana Stutz's. They get to putter all they want as they
settle in for the looong winter...
The Siblings (by age)
Want to see some funny 70's pictures of the young Stutz kids?
Click here to see 'em...
Carla, Kevin, and Nathan
(Lakeville, MN)
A new house to decorate and an incredible
little boy to guide growing up certainly keep Carla and Kevin occupied.
They still find time to do some fun things: they're planning to head out
east he Regan mega-Christmas reunion later this year.
Mark Wagner
(Lakeville, MN)
Between work, volleyball, band, and the boat,
Mark and Jennifer have their hands full. Hopefully the computer craze continues
and the Y2K bug are bad enough that Mark'll have enough to do to keep out
of trouble for some time to come...
Bill Wagner
(Burnsville, MN)
Billy's busy being Billy. After a whirlwind
tour through eastern Europe for a friend's wedding, he's back in the Twin
Cities doing the urban working male thing.
Karla, Brian, Tyrel, and
Ellis Toomer
(Cokeville, WY)
Well now that's 4 in a row for Brian and his
girls' volleyball team: Wyoming state champions again!! While the family
is making do with adjusting baby rooms and all that good stuff, Karla is
still hawking her wares and writing for the newspapers in the area.
Biggest news (according to Karla) is that
they;re in the market for a new bed. Whoo-hoo!
Rob Stutz
(Missoula, MT)
Big News from the Big Sky state: Rob and Blanche
have announced their engagement!! Nothing immediate on the horizon, but
it looks as though their talking about a date sometime in 2000. That's
when he'll be finished with law school and she'll graduate from the U of
Shari Stutz
(Hiding out somewhere in the USA. Don't
even try to find out where she is via the internet, bucko!!)
Shari's enjoying that post-college reality:
working, paying bills, and just living in the 'real world.' Drop her a
line and say 'hello.'