October, 2000
Cub fan, rolling pin man
OK, so the Cubbies didn't make any kind of postseason play, but I'll remain a loyal fan. At least while I'm making bread!!

Hats, hats, and more hats!

Alea and I love putting on different hats in the bat. Here, she's pretending to be an astronaut and I'm, well, I'm just pretending

Alea and I like to do little else more than chase lizards around the yard. We usually don't catch them, but sometimes dad does, and he usually shares the wealth. Don't worry, though. No lizards were hurt in the filming of this website!!

We also enjoy traveling with mom and dad. We went to the little town of Santa Barbara, where we came across this colorful site. A street vendor was selling braided rope and a hammock made out of that braided rope. Cool.

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