>Travel Pictures


Now that we find ourselves living in India, this page seems a bit dated.
Nevertheless, enjoy our first view of this fascinating country and the motivation behind our return:
A place to visit and marvel at when the going got a little rough in Pakistan during 1994-95. We made several trips to the border town of Amritsar, and one longer swing through Delhi and Agra. Although I had never personally found myself attracted to the subcontinent, after these visits Susan and I have definitely placed India on our "must-do-again-in-depth" list.

Out and about at Gandhi's birthplace

The old ways of life: a mud and dung farmhouse at the foot of the Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal at sunrise
The Taj Mahal at sunrise as seen from our hotel 

and as we walked in

The Sikhs' Golden Temple is ablaze at night in Amritsar 

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