>Travel Pictures


The kids' goings on in November 2007...

Alea was chosen as an Eagle Leader to start the year by her classmates. Eagle Leaders are picked by their peers as 5th graders who are supposed to lead the others. Being picked so early in the year is a great honor, as it shows that the other students have seen and respect Alea for the great qualities - leadership and otherwise - that she exhibits. At the end of their term, the Eagle Leaders sponsor an assembly at which they introduce their replacements. These pictures are from that assembly, taken with a borrowed digital camera, hence the terrible quality.

Breck had participated in a soccer program at the very start of the school year, and they also got awards at the same assembly. We don't have many pictures from the activity itself, since Dad was one of the coaches and had his hands full with 63 first through 3rd graders, but one of the other moms did snap a picture of Breck helping to clean up after practice!

He is a very active kid, and unfortunately does not always get the room he needs to run around. Whenever we can get some green space, we let him flex his muscles, dash through the water, and chase the crows to get his energy out!

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