By the end of the day, the coconut selection
is picked pretty thin!

Later in the afternoon, we did decide
to take a stroll down the main thoroughfare to the canals from which we'd
be leaving on our boat ride the next day. Alleppey has much more of a small
town feel to it, and we had a great time trading smiles with the vendors
we passed. We passed the fruit stands both coming and going from our hotel,
and these guys were all grins for us both times.
In front of each of the small temples
we passed, there were always people selling garlands of flowers to put
over the idols inside. Alea and Susan bought a small length of flowers
each to wear in their hair as we walked around.
Dave liked the fish seller (above), but
Susan was much more intrigued by the big pile of pottery. We ended up buying
a large jug and two smaller flat bowls from the woman at the left for the
equivalent of around $4 (which I'm sure is a greatly inflated tourist price).
She was excited to have her picture taken, but apparently didn't understand
anything more than to just stare straight at the camera, as solemnly as