>Travel Pictures


Aquathon 2010


ASB has a 5-year tradition of holding an Aquathon: an event that combines running and swimming. Breck's buddy Aniket asked Breck to team up with him, and so we were off to the school for an early morning splash and dash.

Once the competition began, Aniket swam the initial 150 meters and Breck eagerly awaited his turn at the end of the pool.

Once the tag was made, Breck was off like a shot!

Even though he was pretty tired afterwards, he still gave his effort a thumbs-up (and V-for-victory!)

Rounding the last turn of the 1500 meter run, he was looking forward to getting his second wind.

Nearing the camera (and mom and dad), his stride lengthened and pace increased!
Since the entrance fees were to raise money for Bihar and Haiti, it was an event that did good on all sorts of levels. Clutching their certificates and t-shirts, the winded competitors smiled one last time before heading home...

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