>Travel Pictures

Serbia and Montenegro

Pictures from around the school

Looking around the webpage, I realized that we have very few pictures from around the school itself. I've collected what I can find and assembled them here to give a quick overview of what we see at work in different seasons...

Elementary School

Views of the elementary school - the main villa, the arch by the playground, and the preschool playground covered in snow.

Middle School

The back yard of the middle school

High School

A panorama of the back of the high school, taken from the statue below. The school building itself is hidden behind the trees at the top of the stairs, the main entrance is at the end of the driveway that winds (unseen) off to right of this picture. Our new bubble gym is directly behind the statue (down a set of stairs)
Looking from the high school down the entryway to the road in the fall and winter...


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