>Travel Pictures

Serbia and Montenegro

Halloween 2004

This year was all about the party. We bought pumpkins, but just drew on them.

Breck made some awesome decorations for inside the house, though...

There were 2 nights of celebrations - a party at the school on Friday and then trick or treating on Saturday

Breck gets to enjoy schooldays with his 2 favorite teachers, right across the hall from each other. Mom went as a pumpkin to school, while his real teacher Ms. Marvel dressed up as Velma from Scoobey Doo

Alea was a wicked witch (check out her cool broomstick - actually used here in Serbia) and Breck was Sir Leinenkugel. They posed for a bit on the back porch before we went to the party...
At the school, each class got a chance to go up on stage and show off. After the "parade," there were games and activities for kids of all ages

Dave's costume got lots of laughs from his students, but a few lucky grownups got to see "the rest of the story"

On Saturday night, a bunch of the US kids got together in the "diplomatic enclave" to do a little door-to-door trick or treating. Both kids wore different outfits for this adventure - Alea was a cat and Breck was Batman.

Alea buddied around with 2 princess-fairies while Breck got candy from anyone he could wrangle it out of!

Both kids practiced their Halloween faces - Breck scowled like Batman and Alea hissed like a cat

By the end of the evening, there was some pretty serious trading going on, and some pretty tuckered kids! It was a lot of fun to have a real Halloween, complete with all the good times.
if you want, here are some pictures from 2003...

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