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Web Resources


(National Association for the Education of Young Children)
A site for information about best practice and current research on the development of young children. It has information for parents, teachers, administrators and early childhood programs.


Offers a huge selection of literature for teachers, parents and schools.  Scholastic has an international link just for Central America.  There are resources in Spanish and English that are age-appropriate and interesting for children (and adults!)


Subscription 'journal' to early childhood.  It is a free service that offers information about all elements of children's' growth and development.


A great resource for teachers and parents.  It offers age-appropriate, challenging, exciting and child-centered activities that can be done with the family and/or at school.


A question/answer format for parents with questions about child development and other early childhood issues.  An early childhood 'expert' holds chat sessions and offers basic answers to parents' most frequently asked questions about kids.


Huge resource for research about early childhood education. Anyone with questions ranging from second language learning to  theme-based instruction to emerging literacy can find answers here.


Links parents to other sites that have information about topics in early childhood  education.