Home > Preschool > Learning through Play: Constructivism

Is it playing?  Is it learning?   Yes! Yes! Yes!

Making Native American headdresses lets us create ABCABC patterns with colors, practice our cutting skills and use our language skills to communicate with class peers. 
Dramatic play re-creates real life situations in the classroom so that kids can practice conflict resolution, gender role identification, problem solving, sharing, self-help skills and positive communication.
These kids are playing house in the writing center.  They have pencil and paper to write letters to friends, create grocery lists and pay bills with 'checks' - all real life writing skills!

Books are a critical part of the classroom environment.  These kids are playing 'library'.  They read stories to each other, talk about the pictures and practice taking turns 'checking out' books.  What a super way to learn respect for reading materials!
A perfect picnic party for these pajama pals!  Can you guess we are studying the Pp letter-sound association?   Every letter we study in kindergarten utilizes meaningful vocabulary that compliments our themes ands lessons - great integration!
Children in this class created an impression of flowers (language skills and fine motor), traced them on an overhead in small group (cooperation and coordination) and painted them on a  plastic sheet in large group (muscle control, turn-taking and spatial development).

The computer as a learning center is a great opportunity to share with our friends, talk about our favorite programs, improve our eye-hand coordination and learn our ABCs/123s on the keyboard.
Every child is a boundless source of creative energy.  The art center provides media for expression: paint, glitter, paper, leaves, buttons, and sand are but a few resources available for EIS students to use to communicate feelings, opinions, thoughts and ideas.